Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Chelsea Clinton Makes NBC News Debut

Chelsea Clinton has spent much of her adult life laying low, even employing military-like security to keep photos of her high-profile wedding out of the tabloids. But her new career requires that she step into the spotlight in order to make a difference.

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Chelsea Clinton: NBC News Debut

Chelsea recently took a position with NBC News and she made her debut last night on Brian Williams' show, Rock Center.

Chelsea has taken some flack for immediately rising to the top in a field in which she has no experience, but with her first report, she made clear that the focus of her new career will be helping others, not stealing the spotlight from more qualified journalists.

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Returning to her home state of Arkansas, Chelsea delivered an inspirational segment on an after school charity in the troubled town of Pine Bluffs. She may have a long way to go to develop her on-camera persona, but the former first daughter seems to have gotten into the business for all the right reasons.

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