Friday, December 16, 2011

Christopher Hitchens Dead at 62

Famed author, journalist, pundit and wit Christopher Hitchens is dead at 62.
Christopher Hitchens Photo
Though born in England, Hitchens' commentaries on American politics made him an indispensable part of our cultural landscape. His controversial views on religion, capitalism, and world affairs made him a beloved, but equally hated figure the world over.
Hitchens' controversial attacks on everyone from Bill Clinton to Mother Theresa earned him countless enemies, but his sparkling sense of humor and unmistakable prose style brought him international fame, along with millions of admirers.
On a personal note, I may not have always agreed with his views, but Hitchens' work for Vanity Fair made him one of my biggest influences, and his recent memoir, Hitch-22, elevated him to the status of personal role model. A recent article in VF (which may, sadly, be his last published work) inspired me to take another stab at quitting smoking.
Hitchens succumbed to a long battle with throat cancer, likely brought about by his well-known love of cigarettes and booze. He will be sorely missed and never equaled.


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