Friday, December 16, 2011

Kim Kardashian Reminds People What They Love Most About Her in Marie Claire

And, precisely, that is to watch Kim Kardashian in slinky poses. All quiet like.
And there's no denying that Kim K. does work her magic in this mini-pictorial in Marie Claire, where the primary Kardashian earner sets about to rehab her reputation by talking about how human she is, capable of mistakes, and then goes off camera to ask Marie Claire for her big fat paycheck. We don't really begrudge Kim like we used to. Her rep is out there. The ladies who still want to watch her 'reality' on TV and buy her craptastic shizz, that's up to them. The NBA ballers who want to ball with Kim, that's up to them. As for us, we'll just sit back and watch. It's really the safest stance.

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