Friday, December 16, 2011

Jonah Hill: 'The Kardashian Shows Are a Disgusting Part of Our Culture

Jonah Hill: 'The Kardashian Shows Are a Disgusting Part of Our Culture

Jonah Hill, 27, makes a better argument than Daniel Craig, 43. While both actors admit that Kim Kardashian and the entire K-crew clan are untalented, undeserving fame whores, Jonah argues that he actually does watch the Kardashian shows. Daniel claimed that the Kardashians are "f*cking idiots!" but Jonah understands that they're idiots that are interesting. Still, Jonah says that the public's interest in them is bullsh!t.
Jonah Hill blue eyes picture
"I have friends who work in TV and the Kardashians get higher ratings than their TV shows. Shows that people actually work hard on – writing and creating and trying to tell stories. The fact that the Kardashians could be more popular than a show like Mad Men is disgusting."
Hill continued: "It’s a super disgusting part of our culture, but I still find it funny to make a joke about it. Whenever I say I like reality TV, people write about it like they’re in shock. I can’t even understand it, so I watch it."
Jonah says that he enjoys making fun of the shows, but he also questions "Where does the line sort of end? When do I stop making fun of it and become an actual fan?" It is disturbing as hell, and, in the simplest of terms, Jonah explains why: "The Kardashians are as famous as our president. What does that tell you about how skewed our society is?"
Jonah's on point!!!!
Photo: Wenn


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