Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Louis Dowler: Kate Winslet Was "Cruel" During Break-Up

Kate Winslet is a stone cold bee-yotch. At least that's what her ex-man candy Louis Dowler says about the Oscar-winning actress.
Louis Dowler Kate Winslet picture
The male model, most famous for, Kate Winslet gave a scathing interview to the UK Daily Mail, saying, "I don't think Kate behaved very well and it is still very raw for me." Ouch! Harsh words for a man who's only claim to fame is his brief dalliance with the beloved Ms. Winslet. But it doesn't end there.
"I was in love with her and you can't switch that off overnight," Louis went on. Funny how he waited three months until the spotlight died down before he spilled his guts to the tabloids.
For her part, Kate has moved on in fine fashion, reportedly shacking up with the awesomely named Ned Rocknroll. Seriously, that's dude's real name, and as far as we can tell he has no job other than banging famous millionaires. All kneel before the altar of Ned Rocknroll.
(Photo: WENN)

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