Thursday, December 15, 2011

Why Hasn't Demi Moore Changed Her MrsKutcher Twitter Name Yet? Get Her (Kinda Angry) Answer!

Demi Moore has finally broken her silence and addressed Twitgate: Awkward Edition .
Which, for those of you not in the know, is this: now that she's in the process of no longer being Mrs. Ashton Kutcher, what oh what is she going to do about that super unfortunate Twitter handle ?
So, what does the tweeter currently known as mrskutcher have to say about this naming fiasco?
MORE: Did Demi and Ashton's breakup make the cut for Top 10 stories of 2011?
Simply this: back off, and get over it.
Believe it or not, figuring out a new name under which to send 14-character missives into the blogosphere isn't exactly No. 1 on Moore's list of things to do at the moment.
"Changing my twitter name isn't a top priority right now," she tweeted . "Sorry it bothers so many of u. Should I not tweet until I do?does it really matter?"
In the real world, where she's going through a painful divorce? No. On Twitter, where no detail is small enough to go uncommented upon? Well, we'll let her followers answer that one.
As if they haven't already.

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