Friday, December 16, 2011

Supermodels: They never get old

Ab-solutely fabulous supermodel-actress Molly Sims is simply glowing while taking a walk on the beach in Maui with her new hubby Scott Stuber. The pair said 'I do' at the Frank Cafaretta Vineyard in Napa Valley, Calif., on Sept. 24. Sims, 38, could pass for someone half her age!
Supermodels, like Carbon-12, age really, really slowly. 20 years and multiple pregnancies may wreak havoc on us normal folks, but it doesn't seem to do a darn thing to these freakishly good-looking Amazons. Have a look....

Ab-solutely fabulous supermodel-actress Molly Sims is simply glowing while taking a walk on the beach in Maui with her new hubby Scott Stuber. The pair said 'I do' at the Frank Cafaretta Vineyard in Napa Valley, Calif., on Sept. 24. Sims, 38, could pass for someone half her age!

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