Thursday, December 15, 2011

Robert Pattinson: Cheating on Kristen Stewart With Sarah Roemer?

Okay, so there's nothing wrong, per se, with a man spending some one-on-one time with a woman while his girlfriend's out of town. But when the guy is Robert Pattinson, and the girl is...pretty much any girl alive, there's reason to believe that some boots knockin' took place.
Robert Pattinson Sleazy PhotoSarah Roemer Photo
RPattz was seen having a casual dinner with actress Sarah Roemer in Hollywood over the weekend. Yes, friends of Rob's (including Taylor Lautner) came and went throughout the evening, but he and Sarah are said to have spent much of the night alone. The two tried to keep a low profile throughout the night, but were spotted drinking together late into the evening, then finally leaving together in a car driven by Roemer around 2 am.
Kristen Stewart was nowhere to be seen, as she's filming in England, but Rob didn't seem to miss her too terribly. Maybe it has something to do with Kristen's recent claim that she's become "very close" with co-star Chris Hemsworth while filming Snow White and the Hunstman. Or maybe a bunch of bloggers and tabloid reporters are just looking for reasons to be suspicious. Still, it's hard to imagine any young woman spending the night getting drunk with the world's sparkliest vampire and not expecting to get penetrated.
(Photos: WENN)

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