Thursday, December 15, 2011

Paris Jackson on Ellen: "I Had a Normal Childhood"

Paris Jackson's interview with Ellen DeGeneres airs today and it's shocking in the exact opposite way that you would expect. Not only is Paris incredibly poised and well-spoken for a 13 year-old but she seems enetirely unaffected by her...let's say "unusual"...upbringing.

Paris Jackson on 'Ellen'

Paris maintains that she had a "normal" childhood and was happy to find that no one knew who she was at her new school. As for the weirder elements of her childhood, like being forced to wear a mask in public to preserve her anonymity? Paris just laughs it off. "Why do I have to wear a mask? That's stupid," the budding actress jokes.

If only all famous girls named Paris could be so down to earth. Bear in mind Paris filled a spot on the Ellen show that was vacated by Lindsay Lohan who appeared in court yesterday and blamed her parents for the fact that she's effing her life up. Just goes to show: life's what you make it, kids.

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