Thursday, December 15, 2011

Lindsay Lohan Probation Report Is 'Glowing': REPORT

Could Lindsay Lohan's legal troubles soon be a thing of the past?
We hear the troubled starlet has buckled down since her last probation hearing. RadarOnline is reporting the judge overseeing Lohan's progress hearing in her theft case will receive a "glowing" report about the 25-year-old actress on Wednesday.
"Judge Sautner gave Lindsay a new probation officer at her last court appearance. Her new probation officer is absolutely no nonsense, and she has seen it all. Lindsay has been a model probationer so far," a source close to Lohan told Radar.
According to the source Lohan has attended all mandated therapy sessions, completed all the 12 days of community service she was ordered to complete by Wednesday's progress hearing, and is ahead of schedule with her morgue duties.
At the last progress hearing on Nov. 2, Judge Sautner sentenced Lohan to 30 days in jail for not complying with the terms of her probation. However, due to jail overcrowding in Los Angeles County, the actress only served 4 1/2 hours behind bars. Sautner also sentenced Lohan to complete 53 days of community service at the morgue and attend 18 therapy sessions -- both components must be completed by March 29, 2012, or the starlet receives an automatic 270 jail sentence.
It sounds like Lohan is finally starting to take her legal problems seriously. While on a trip to Hawaii this past weekend, Lohan lost a $5,000 Chanel purse allegedly containing $10,000 cash, in addition to her passport and court documents stating that she was allowed to travel. In an audio clip obtained by TMZ, Lohan can be heard freaking out, and worrying that the lost documents could land her back in jail. The purse along with her passport and papers were recovered, however the missing cash was not.
Lohan's problems stem from a 2007 DUI case for which she served jail time. She violated the terms of her probation by pleading no contest to a misdemeanor theft charge over a necklace.
To those who think Lohan has gotten off easy and needs to spend more time in jail, a source tells Radar, "It's actually much more productive for Lindsay to be doing manual labor at the morgue, where they have suffered from budget cutbacks. If she were in jail, she would be in a cell for 23 of 24 hours a day, except for visits with her lawyer or family. Lindsay couldn't do janitorial work at the jail because of the notoriety surrounding her, and it would be safe for her or other inmates."

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