Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Jennifer Aniston: Men's Health Magazine's "Hottest Woman of All Time"

On one hand, I wanna say that being titled The Hottest Woman of All Time is a compliment, on the other hand, it's straight embarrassing. Jennifer Aniston has been named The Hottest Woman of All Time, beating out women who are actually hot.
Jennifer Aniston wrinkles
Now I love me some Jen Aniston because she's a punching bag on the gossip blogs, but I don't agree with her winning this contest, and that's primarily because these sexist rosters of females ranked on stereotypical "hotness" is juvenile and degrading to all involved, even Aniston who claimed the top spot.
A blogger at put it best, saying: "This is a little distasteful -- especially when the magazine took such extensive time explaining how Jennifer Aniston's talent is what makes her hot, rather than her appearance." True.
Check out an excerpt from Men's Health: "Funny is sexy, and Jennifer Aniston is funny. Her down-to-earth persona makes her seem attainable. . . And her all-too-human love life off screen inspires sympathy that not even a string of bland romantic comedies can diminish. Throughout her career Aniston has remained sexy, funny, and unmistakably real.” OUCH! Such bullsh!t.
Photo: Wenn

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