Friday, December 16, 2011

Dark Knight Rises' Eight-Year Gap Explained

There has been no lack of Dark Knight Rises chatter these past few days, that much is certain. And it continues, with the latest being director Christopher Nolan addressing how he feels about the end of the franchise -- and just what his motivation was for setting the new film eight years after The Dark Knight.

Did you know Tom Hardy almost wasn't Bane?

Hero Complex asked the helmer about that eight-year gap. The bat-reader will recall that The Dark Knight ended with Batman taking the blame for Harvey Dent's crimes, and that, according to Nolan, is key.

"It will make a lot more sense to people when they see the film," Nolan says of the time jump. "But it's not a great mystery -- it's the jumping-off point for the film -- but it's hard for me to articulate it. I think the mood at the beginning of the film will make a lot of sense. If I had to express it thematically, I think what we're saying is that for Batman and Commissioner Gordon, there's a big sacrifice, a big compromise, at the end of The Dark Knight and for that to mean something, that sacrifice has to work and Gotham has to get better in a sense. They have to achieve something for the ending of that film -- and the feeling at the end of that film -- to have validity. Their sacrifice has to have meaning and it takes time to establish that and to show that, and that's the primary reason we did that. It's a time period that is not so far ahead that we would have to do crazy makeup or anything -- which I think would be distracting -- but it gave them something to get their teeth into, particularly Christian [Bale] in terms of [portraying] this guy who has been frozen in this moment in time with nowhere to go. He really has done an incredible job figuring out how to characterize that and express that."

Frozen in this moment, eh? As for what it was like shooting the final scenes with these characters, even the typically taciturn Nolan admits to choking up a bit.

"It was pretty emotional as we would finish these characters and say goodbye to Alfred for the last time and say goodbye to Commissioner Gordon and eventually, with Christian, fairly close to the end, saying goodbye to Batman … it was a big deal," he says. "And with these newer characters too, finishing with Anne and all these guys. It was quite touching, I must say."

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