Thursday, December 15, 2011

Ashton Kutcher: Happy to be Single!

Ashton Kutcher is reportedly happy that Demi Moore left him. Can you blame him? Ashton has reportedly been hooking up with women half Demi's age and "It's like their seven-year marriage meant nothing to him!" I wouldn't go that far. Dudes often bang their relationships into oblivion, post-split.
Ashton Kutcher GQ Ball PhotoDemi Moore sees through Ashton
OK magazine reports: "He could be getting back at her, but he's blabbing to anyone that he's glad it's over. A lot of people are saying Ashton is still hooking up with other chicks."
Demi allegedly dreads seeing Ashton with younger women. A friend adds, "It's so hurtful for Demi, knowing he's going to move on so quickly."
Demi's friends have been reminding her that she did the right thing by filing for divorce, but it does little to comfort her. I can't feel sorry for Demi IF she and Ashton had an open marriage. If she allowed Ashton to have sex with other women as long as she knew about it, she shouldn't have been that upset that he didn't tell her about Sara Leal. Ashton having sex with other people wasn't a problem, but trust was broken once he did so without telling her? Why the eff do you trust someone who bangs other hoes anyway? Especially when you're not many years off from becoming a grandmama?! Demi was delusional if she thought her free-for-all relationship was gonna keep a young, sexy b!tch like Ashton around long-term.

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