Thursday, December 15, 2011

Alec Baldwin Was Playing Words With Friends, American Airlines Fires Back

Alec Baldwin posted a few angry and hilarious tweets about American Airlines yesterday after he says that a flight attendant went off on him for playing Words With Friends on his phone. Alec was told to shut his phone off, he then went to the bathroom and slammed the bathroom door so hard, the captain of the flight heard the commotion.

The captain himself then said that Alec had to GTFO.

Alec Baldwin image

ALec's sources say that he did not slam the door and only got out of his seat so he could get the flight attendant's name so he could file a complaint. The fasten seat belt sign was on at the time, which is why he was forced off the plane.
The 30 Rock star took the next flight from LA to New York.
According to American Airlines, Baldwin was "extremely rude to the crew," on his first sight and was "calling them inappropriate names and using offensive language."
The Airlines statement continued: "All cell phones and electronic devices are allowed to be used while the aircraft is at the gate and the door is open for boarding. When the door is closed for departure and the seat belt light is turned on, all cell phones and electronic devices must be turned off for taxi-out and take-off."
Alec reportedly refused to shut his phone off and took his phone into the bathroom before he "slammed the lavatory door so hard, the cockpit crew heard it and became alarmed, even with the cockpit door closed and locked."
I'm on Alec's side 1000x. I've had too many run-ins with airport security and people abusing their authority for me to ever side with the airline that made an entire plane full of people wait while they kicked Alec off of the plane just because they could.

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