Thursday, December 15, 2011

Facebook rolls out new 'Timeline' design

Everything you know about your Facebook profile is about to change (again).

Facebook's new "Timeline" design will automatically organize your photos, status updates and relationship changes into an interactive – you guessed it – timeline of your Facebook life.

Timeline was introduced at Facebook's f8 conference in September, but was just made available worldwide today.

Users will be able to remove unwanted photos, embarrassing status updates and other Facebook activity that was buried by Facebook's previous design. Facebook users will have seven days to preen and prepare their Timeline before it becomes the default public-facing profile.

Still not seeing Timeline? Go to this page and click on "Get Timeline."

You tell us: How do you feel about Facebook changes?

We've partnered with the tech geeks over at Mashable to figure out what the early-adopter crowd is thinking about Facebook's changes. We wanted to get feedback from USA TODAY readers, too.

The informal online survey below is posted on both USA TODAY and Mashable. After the results are in, we'll compare notes and see if there are any notable differences in opinion. We'd love to hear more about your thoughts in the comment section, too.

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